A few days ago I started a major overhaul of my studio space. You can read about it here. While there are still things to do, it is much more workable then it's previous incarnation. Each move, each house for that matter I face challenges of which room will I set-up in and what solution is going to work the best. Over the years, I have found my Ikea Ivar shelving to be the saving grace for each and every room, it's just a matter of working it all out and then setting it up. Eventually I will have the studio space of my dreams but for now I'll make do.
Anyhoo, this post is about my the revamp of my card organization.
So with the room changing and finally getting things set-up the way I wanted them this time around and an impending card swap on the horizon I figured it was time to organize my card stash.
I have always used two photo boxes to hold my cards. One contained finished cards with their respective envelop, while the other box contained CIP (cards in progress) blank cards, and finally the odds and ends of embellishments for cards. I decided that this worked well it just had gotten a little out of control.
Here are the two boxes empty and all the cards piled into piles for re-ordering.
I had a duh! moment when I was surfing Pinterest and spotted this
From that idea I loaded up the Silhouette Design Studio and cut some tabs out for my boxes. They are about 5 by 7 in size and I used up 12 x 12 paper that was never going to see the light of day but would work great here. Yay me for using my stash on this project! I was able to fit 3 tabs per page and used a total of 5 pages.
I spent about 30 mins figuring out which headings were going to best suit me and got to work writing them all out.
Here is the list that I came up with, some might work for you and some might not. It all depends on what cards you use during the year.
Get Well
Just Because
I realize that as I am typing this I forgot to take a picture of the sub tabs that are located in the Baby, Birthday, and Christmas section. For the Baby and Birthday the sub tabs have the heading Boy and Girl. While the Christmas one has a sub tab for Snowmen...I love Snowmen.
After that was finished I printed up a sheet that had all the months with everyone's birthday and anniversary and put it inside the lid of the finished card box.
Well there you go, my newly organized and might I add super cute organized card boxes.
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