Well enough about that. This post is way over due and I want to get it shared. I had some grandiose plans for some new decorations that I was going to make for Spring/Easter for the house and while I didn't get to all of them the ones that I didn't finish I am super happy with and all supplies for the others have been put away for next year.
So here is my first project that I made, it is a new wreath. While I had dozens of ideas floating around in my head and I'll admit that the finally creation was not the original final decision I am really glad that I changed my mind.
So my original thought for this wreath was that I was going to cover it completely in eggs. The I saw a wreath that had been wrapped in yarn for a different occasion and thought that it looked really cool. Hence the change from covering it in eggs to wrapping it in yarn. It took awhile to wrap the wreath. I used a 12" straw wreath from Hobby Lobby, which are inexpensive to begin with, but a add a 40% coupon and I flashes to that Ikea commercial with the woman running towards her husband waiting in the car yelling "start the car"!
One note on the wreath if you do decide to go with a straw wreath, I highly recommend leaving the plastic wrap on the wreath and winding your yarn over top that. It makes for less mess and itchy arms.
I decided after many arrangements that I was going to go with a simple design of four eggs on the wreath. I really liked how the whole thing turned out. I just need to work more on my ribbon bow tying education.
The next project was a revamp of this little Egg Swag that was in dire need of repair as it has not fared so well in the last 2 moves.
Poor little cracked eggs!
Here I have finally removed all the eggs that hadn't survived so well and started making plans for what I was going to add to the arrangement. I decided that I was for the most part going to keep the neutral palette but add some blue and yellow as well.
Here you can see the eggs being added to the swag. I bought those packs of eggs from Hobby Lobby for 70% off in February! lol
Another look at the swag and it was as I was looking at this photo on my phone that I realized that I needed more cream eggs, there just wasn't enough. The only problem was I didn't have any more.
So I made some. I took other colored eggs from the packs that I wasn't using and I altered them to what I needed. With a little Antique White Delta Ceramcoat and some watered down Brown Iron Oxide Delta Ceramcoat paint I achieved an near almost perfect match.
It took a couple of base coats of the Antique White to get a nice even coverage. I allowed them to dry fully between each coat.
The I took a brush with the watered down Brown Iron Oxide paint and flicked it on the eggs to get the speckled look.
A close-up of the eggs.
A few more hot glue ouchies and here is the finished sway bursting full of eggs.
A few close-ups.
Well there you have my Easter projects for this year!
Love the wreath and great job on the repair of the swag. I had high hopes on doing Easter projects that never materialized, so I totally understand not getting to all items planned.