January 25, 2013

Already a month into the new year...

I can't believe that it is already 2013! Or more to the point I am already a year older. Time sure flies when you are chasing kids around the house!

Let's see, 2012 was a long year. Full of many changes, many of which I made on my own while my husband was deployed. It was crazy, fun, sad, stressful and full of challenges that I feel for the most part I was able to raise to the occasion and succeed.

I have so many post sitting in the cue waiting to be finished and posted, I have so many projects on the go, like my posts waiting to be finished.

Sometimes I find myself lying awake trying to figure out where to start. Hopefully, with some of the changes I have made in our lives and routines I will have a chance to to finish my projects and get them posted, for my few, but very loyal followers.

Here's to the start of hopefully a more productive blog year which has been a goal for awhile.

January 15, 2013

Did someone say Washi Tape?

I love Washi Tape and today PYP has an awesome deal on Washi Tape just in time for Valentines or what ever your little heart wants to craft!

Take a peek and then go get some for yourself. You can use the link on the left.

Have fun!


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