May 22, 2012

Stung by a Wasp and late night last minute chaos...

Tomorrow is the last day of school and not that I did it un-purpose but I managed to leave getting my teacher gift to the last minute and with a wasp sting that has caused some serious issues in the past 24 hours my day has been utter and total chaos.
Stay tuned for what this mess is all about and send non-itchy, non-swelling thoughts my way my arm could use them.

May 21, 2012

Summer Fun LO

While I had this post almost ready last week. I came to the realization that while I love taking photo's with my Hipstmatic app for my iPhone, I might have unintentionally been doing a disservice to some of the things I was posting about.

So for this post I moved on over to my DSLR with a fixed 50mm lens. I think that the photo's while I might have to adjust from quick photos and uploads with my phone to the camera, and work a little on the setup show the pictures of my LO much better.

May 14, 2012

Congratulations on Graduating

My scrapbooking cohorts husband finished his Masters and was graduating this past Saturday. To help celebrate his achievement I made him this little card.

May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mommies out there and all the sister's that always have our best interest at heart.
Here was my breakfast that my 6 year old made for me. Blueberry Frosted Pop Tart and Ice Tea.

This year I made cards to send. While my cards will arrive late, I am going to go with the old saying "better late then never" plus they are hand made well mostly as I did have some help from my Silhouette Cameo...which is really just an extension of my hand...right? :)

May 9, 2012

Walk with Dinosaurs LO

Well, while it took a bit longer then I thought I have finished another LO and I had a lot of fun making this one.

May 8, 2012

A quick Birthday Card and embellished t-shirt.

On the weekend we were invited to a friends to help celebrate their little girl turning one. I made a quick card and embellished a t-shirt for her.

May 5, 2012

Fresh donuts, 1 month, and some before and after reveals...

Well this week has been crazy busy!

On top of all the regular everyday mundane things that go on in a household. I decided this week to rearrange some furniture, put up some things and change all the toilet seats in the house. I am not going to share those before and after's let's just say the new seats are a remarkable improvement. I really have no idea if it is from the house bing a rental or the water here in Oklahoma or a combination of both, but they were in pretty bad shape and no matter how well I cleaned them, I finally just gave up and replaced them.

Along those same lines the front Garden was looking rather sad and neglected and decided that it needed to be fixed up. However my internal dilemma debate was how much to spend on the house that we are renting. I decided, that a couple of hundred would suffice and we would be able to enjoy the house all the more if I did it.

All of which I told my husband while on Skype. I have no idea if I have gone insane with this deployment or if just keeping busy makes it go faster. Which to be honest, it feels so slow! We officially hit the 1 month mark yesterday. Yay! Only 5 more to go...sigh!
so this is how we started the morning...

After that and a trip to Lowe's it was time to start the Garden. Here are some before photo's...

Well, after weeding, cleaning, laying down a weed barrier, 20 bags of black bark mulch, several hours in 80 degree weather, and smashed and cut knuckles here is the result...

I think that it turned out great! I am going to give it a week or so to settle and decide if I need to pick up a few more bags of mulch to build up and low areas. I am still debating on some planters for the front porch to add a bit of color but with the crazy heat we get here I just don't know.

Needless to say it was an exhausting day and once I got Cayden to bed Keegan and the dogs and I curled up to watch a little tv.

Exhausted and bound to be sore in the morning, look for my next post then.


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