December 17, 2010

The decorations are up!

Well actually the decorations went up the weekend after US Thanksgiving like they always do, however the post hasn't gone up till now.

There are several reasons for this. The mad rush to get everything done before my c-section planned for the 22nd was on, the last minute gifts, Christmas conerts and everything else that pops up before the Holidays.

Needless to say this threw a monkey wrench into all of it...


Cayden Stephen Miller Port

Born: 15th Dec 2010 @ 0409
Weight: 7 lbs 13 oz
Length: 21 3/4 in

Proud Big Brother

So there is my excuse!

Without further ado, Christmas 2010

On another note a friend approached with a small problem and small favour to ask...she wanted to know if she supplied me with some cardboard if I would be able to cut her out a Rocking Horse?!?

Hmm...this is what I came up with.

December 10, 2010

The new wreath for the front door!

While I had plans to make several new wreaths for the house. This one is the only one I did. I am running out of time and as for the plans for the Christmas ball ornament, that one will have to wait till next year.

I made this wreath with a plain garland wreath that I got on clearence at Micheals, actually all items that are on this wreath, except the bow (that was purchased at Zeller's on clearence for $2.00 a few years ago and it finally has a home) where purchased on clearence and at Micheals!

I actually had it up and hanging on the door several weeks ago, but alas I am just getting to blogging about it.

More updates of past projects to follow! I am on a deadline...13 days to go!

December 9, 2010

Just a few more to fill out...

Just a few more to fill out and all my Christmas cards will be ready for the post tomorrow.

/big sigh of relief

Here are some of the cards that will be making their way across North America. For the life of me I can't remember all the paper that was used. Some of it is Stampin up card stock as well as one or two Stampin up stamps. Fiskars snowflake punch and Deja Views rub-ons. Sorry I can't be more specific for those that might want to know every product that was used.

Some of them are simple and others have a bit more to them. I guess I am just a simple girl at heart.

Ok, well I have no idea why these pictures are not loading correctly, but it's better then them not loading at all.

Not sure about this...

Not really sure what to think about this! Any thoughts? Anyone ever have one?

December 8, 2010

The annual tradition of the Christmas Train...

The annual CPR Christmas Train rolled through Portage La Prairie the other day and we were there once again to see it.

The first time I ever saw the train was a very frigid night in Moose Jaw, SK back in the early days of being married and my husband starting out his career in CAF. It was a sight to behold, even if I could no longer feel most of my body!

Many years later, we have once again found ourselves in a place that allows us to see this sight, as well as being older, we are much smater and stay in the car to see it!

Keegan thinks it is the coolest thing ever...and so do I!

December 5, 2010

Teacher's Gifts 2010

So last year I made and gave away cookies in a jar. I labeled them "ChasingKeegan Cookies."

This year, I saw an idea on a blog that I read on how to make Homemade Hot Chocolate. I got the recipe from Citrus's Blog. There is also a recipe for Homemade Marshmellows there as well, however I used this recipe.

The Hot Chocolate made and waiting to go into it's bags...

The test run for the marshmellows...

And since this is my test run for the marshmellows, I decided to try out some other flavours, rather then just the crushed candy canes onto top to see what worked better using sprinkles from Pamperd Chef.

So depending on how the taste test goes, finished gift pictures to follow.

On another note, completely unrelated, I came upstairs late to bed the other night, only to find this...

Isn't it great to have a King sized bed and there be absolutely no room for you to sleep between the hubby and 3 dogs. I guess the one good thing was that the gnomelit was fast asleep in his own bed and only after 10 mins I was finally able to get the lab to move to her pillow on the floor.

December 1, 2010

I have been awarded a Stylish Blogger Award!

A fellow blogger, has given me a little perk for the day. While, I cannot take all the credit for my least the design (see below post) I can take credit for dribble drabble on it! LOL

To accept this award, I must do the following:
1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded me this award
2. Share 8 things about yourself
3. Pay it forward to 8 bloggers that you have recently discovered
4. Contact those bloggers and tell them about their awards

Requirements for Award:

1. Thanks to Scrapperdee!
A fellow Cricut Junkie, who has been through many PC woes with me. Thanks for the award, check out her blog here Scrapperdee

2. Share Eight things about me:
I teach children's art classes at the local Art Gallery, quirkly named "Sticky Fingers"
I am married to CAF Pilot, which has taken me to some exotic locales. The current one being Portage La Prairie, MB!
In a former life I liked jumping out of perfectly serviceable airplanes, well most of them were.
I am a massive Geek!
I am a member of the UberSciFi Geek Society!
I have a darling 5 year old gnomelit, with our second due the 22nd of December
and lastly I love making things, when I have the time!

3. Pay it forward

Charmed Life
Luvin the Mommyhood
Girls are Geeks
Green Goat
Scrapaholic Jen
Nadia's Beautiful Mess
Raechel's Cards
Scrapper Creations

4. Off to leave a little note!


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