July 22, 2007

in the home stretch...

Well, it has been a crazy past 2 days. Keegan decided that he was going to have some cork as his dessert! Which had Mommy on the phone with the Nurses Hotline trying to get through to Poison Control...needless to say that neither told me anything that I didn't already know! Argh! However, it did alleviate some of the stress talking to someone.

Don't even get me started on dealing with Starchoice later that night...while furious at Starchoice, I would have to say their CSR was very nice and we had a nice little chat!

I also came to the realization that I was behind in my dates...and now only have 3 days before family arrives and 5 days before Keegan's birthday and only 10 days before we leave!

So much to do, so little time!

July 19, 2007


Needless to say I am figuring this out one step at a time! Being new to html, I figure I will eventually get this to where I want it to be. Kinda like my house! I might actually finish it just in time to sell and move out! Oh well. Such is the life of a military wife. It did bring us to Comox, BC and it has been a whirl wind of adventure...along with the birth of our first child. Who is no longer a baby, as he will be 2 on the 27th...and if that wasn't enough of a deterrent, I just dis-assembled his crib today as he has moved into a toddler bed! sniff sniff

July 18, 2007


I finally got on! Stupid e-mail address...worked for over two hours trying to figure out the problem.

Auto-fill can be your best friend, especially on those tedious forms you find throughout the world or it can turn into your worst nightmare...especially if you don't pay attention and assume you always time everything correctly!

July 17, 2007


Just found this, thought that I would give it a try...a possible creative outlet!


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